Unlocking full potential of East-West PV designs

Get insights from Ming and Samih (Technical Advisors) on East-West PV structures and Smart MPPT strategies to optimize energy yield and manage inverters in this dynamic setup.

Published by
Ming Cheng

Ming Cheng

Customer Success Manager

Nuclear Engineer with 6 years of experience in the solar industry. Joined RatedPower’s customer success team over a year ago and specialize in various topics with solar solutions. Leverage deep industry insight and ensure clients maximize benefits sustainable energy technology.

Samih Kalakeche

Samih Kalakeche

Technical Advisor

22 JAN, 25 | 11:00 AM (CET)
Unlocking full potential of East West PV designs | Webinar by RatedPower
Unlocking full potential of East West PV designs | Webinar by RatedPower

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