My articles
Driving the change
A look at the comunidades energéticas in Spain
Comunidades energéticas are at the heart of Spain’s shift to a greener and more decentralized grid. Explore more about these citizen-powered networks.
28 JAN, 25

Policy and regulation
A brief history of solar and renewable energy in Spain
Spain’s journey to solar power success didn’t happen overnight. The country took its first steps towards renewable energy with small-scale solar projects in the 1980s, laying the foundation to become one of today’s most prominent solar markets. Thanks to decades of investment and progress, Spain became one of the world’s leading solar energy producers. Let’s look at how it got there in more detail.
10 DEC, 24

Market analysis
Exploring renewable and solar energy trends in Spain
Our trend report reveals Spain’s solar power and renewable energy preferences, including bifacial modules, string inverters, tracker structures, and BESS.
5 NOV, 24

Market analysis
Iberia: Permits Bottleneck
Explore Spain's clean energy transition and the challenges of permitting and regulation.
7 MAY, 24

Market analysis
The largest PV plants in Brazil
Learn more about Brazil’s rise in the renewable sector, including its top PV plants and the future of its solar energy market.
31 OCT, 23

Market analysis
Transmission lines and substations: the future of green power across the Brazil energy network
14 AUG, 23

Market analysis
The role of women in the energy sector in Spain
31 JUL, 23 | Updated 9 AUG, 23

Market analysis
27 Brazil renewables influencers to follow in 2023
13 DEC, 22 | Updated 12 JAN, 23

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