Manager of Customer Success

Natalia Opie

Natalia Opie leads the Customer Success team for RatedPower. She is passionate for renewable energies and their role within the global environmental transition and has a thorough understanding of the solar industry, backed by her BSc in Energy Engineering, her MSc in Renewable Energy in Electrical Systems, and six years of experience partnering with clients of different countries to develop profitable, optimized assets.

Natalia Opie

My articles

Technology and engineering

Comparing AC vs DC-coupled BESS in utility-scale solar projects

A panoramic overview of the overhead power line

Overhead power lines are integral to the transmission of electricity across the power grid. Read this blog and delve deeper into the world of power lines and the exciting innovations in the space.
More on the blog
A panoramic overview of the overhead power line

Market analysis

Discover the Top 5 most popular structures used in RatedPower

More on the blog
Discover the Top 5 most popular structures used in RatedPower

Product and corporate updates

Use HIT modules in your next installation with RatedPower's latest update

More on the blog
Use HIT modules in your next installation with RatedPower latest update

Technology and engineering

AC vs DC-coupled BESS: the pros and cons

More on the blog
AC vs DC-coupled BESS: the pros and cons

Technology and engineering

The importance of solar irradiance and meteorological data for PV design

The importance of solar irradiance and meteorological data for PV design

Technology and engineering

How to battle soiling losses with RatedPower

How to battle soiling losses with RatedPower

Technology and engineering

Limiting shading losses to maximize solar power output

Limiting shading losses to maximize solar power output

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