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Insights, ideas, and inspiration for the low-carbon energy transition

Technology and engineering

How to clean solar panels: 5 tried and tested ways

How to clean solar panels: 5 tried and tested ways

Driving the change

Key energy sector takeaways from the IPCC report

The IPCC report on climate change impacts and adaptation urges the world to act now to reduce global warming and highlights the challenges the energy sector must address.
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Key energy sector takeaways from the IPCC report

Technology and engineering

Cabling solar installations for maximum efficiency

Cabling solar installations for maximum efficiency

10 ways to reduce O&M costs

10 ways to reduce O&M costs

Market analysis

Developing countries and renewable energy during COVID

Developing countries and renewable energy during COVID

Technology and engineering

How to battle soiling losses with RatedPower

How to battle soiling losses with RatedPower

Technology and engineering

Limiting shading losses to maximize solar power output

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Limiting shading losses to maximize solar power output

Technology and engineering

Bifacial modules: a comprehensive guide on financial and technical performance of the next hot thing in solar

Looking into the economic aspects of bifacials such as the current industry situation, market leaders, key world regions, LCOE, bifacial modules' history and the future of the solar photovoltaic market with special attention to bifacial solar panels compared to monofacial.
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Bifacial modules: a comprehensive guide on financial and technical performance of the next hot thing in solar

Market analysis

Solar energy market in Thailand

The central and northeastern parts of Thailand have a lot of potential for solar energy, due to their high raditation levels through the year. Let's take a look at Thailand's solar energy landscape.
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Solar energy market in Thailand

Product and corporate updates

Unveiling RatedPower 3.0

Earthworks calculation tool, a 3D Layout Model, and an enhanced CAPEX tool are some of the features included in the latest version of RatedPower to increase efficiency of PV engineering teams.

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Unveiling RatedPower 3.0

Product and corporate updates

A year in review: our journey to an unprecedented growth in 2021

This is a summary of RatedPower’s year 2021 and what we achieved as a company and team. Here’s how we have grown and achieved key milestones in yet another difficult year.
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A year in review: our journey to an unprecedented growth in 2021

Technology and engineering

The importance of meteorology in solar plant design & how to perform meteorology analysis

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The importance of meteorology in solar plant design & how to perform meteorology analysis

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